Fall Semester Changes

Good morning everyone! I hope you all have been having a fantastic summer.

I have some updates and wanted to let you know as early as possible so you all can plan.

First, I want to thank everyone for being so accommodating last semester while we tested out a new class structure. We are going to change it once again and hopefully make it easier for you to participate as a family. We are going to change the kid’s class back to Thursday nights, but we are going to split the kids and adults into 2 different classes, held at 2 different times. We liked the almost 1 on 1 attention that your kids were getting on Tuesdays, as well as the more intense training and instruction that we were able to give in the adult class, so we are going to continue both of those things on Thursdays. The new class structure will be:

Kid’s class will be held from 6 to 7:15 pm

Adult class will be from 7:05 to 8:30 pm

The instructors have been praying and discussing this over the summer and feel that this is the best way to continue that personal interaction and bring the family element back into it.

Classes will begin on Thursday, August 22, so mark your calendars!

Thank you for being so patient and flexible with us as we try to figure out the best way to provide you with quality karate instruction. We can’t do this without you, and we appreciate each and every one of you who allows us to pour into you and your kids. You all are a blessing, and we love seeing you every week.

There will be more information coming very soon, so stay tuned.

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